Greeting to you all. It seems, from our side of the ditch at least, that it has been a relatively good season for most of our shareholders with the weather providing good growing conditions and the lake storage levels remaining good enough to ensure a reliable irrigation supply when required. We anticipate that for many of you, the very good rain in the middle of March may well signal the end of your irrigation for the season.
We’ve chosen to concentrate the majority of this newsletter to environmental management and in particular our activities under our own ‘Healthy Catchments Project’.
To read this newsletter, please download the PDF version here:
170318 March 2017 newsletter
20170307 Environmental Policy_FEP Audit Charging
Environment Canterbury is hosting two community meetings to share information about the effects of shallow groundwater takes on river flows (stream depletion) in the Opihi and Temuka catchments and Levels and Seadown Plains area. The dates for these meetings are:
- Monday 20th March (10am-11.30am) at the Geraldine Domain Pavilion
- Wednesday 22nd March (6.30-8.00pm) at the Pleasant Point Rugby Club
Please download the flyer below for further information.
OTOP Stream depletion meetings advert March2017