Water Entitlements


Every 1 “Water” share held provides an entitlement to receive water (subject to reliability/restrictions) at a standard flow rate of 0.41336 litres per second, based on an application rate equivalent to 25mm of water per hectare, per week, and with a seasonal cap of 5,625m3 for each irrigation season.

This water entitlement is expected to be spread over the season running from September to May with a total seasonal volumetric allowance of 5625 m3 per share (25mm x 1 share x 22.5 weeks).

When calculating your volume entitlements 1 hectare = 250 cubic metres per week.

When calculating your flow rate entitlement, use the number of shares that you own and/or lease multiplied by 0.41 litres/sec.
For example – 40 shares provides for a flow rate of 40 x 0.41 = 16.4 l/s.

We can provide reports of your water use (based on water orders) through the season. Alternatively your water usage and entitlement can be viewed online, through your Opuha Water Portal Login.

Water users which form part of one of our schemes (Levels Plain, Kakahu, Totara Valley) are required to hold equal “Infrastructure” to “Water” shares. This allows access to water through scheme infrastructure (intakes, pipes, races) in specified areas.  For more information please contact us directly.

There are requirements under the water supply agreement and imposed under resource consents, and by regulatory and statutory bodies, as to the maximum volume of water (including both irrigation and bore water) that can be taken and used for irrigation.  Water users should make themselves aware of any restrictions on the use of water.